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Dates:  Sep 16, 2018 - Sep 18, 2018 Opening hours:  11am - 6pm Venue:  Dubai Wor

Shoplifting offences rise to highest level since records began: Store thefts jump by more than a THIRD compared to 2022 - with 430,104 offences recorded in last 12 months, figures show

A total of 430,104 offences were recorded in England and Wales over the year to December 2023, up 37% from 315,040 in the previous 12 months.
News | Mail Online

Shoplifting offences rise to highest level since records began: Store thefts jump by more than a THIRD compared to 2022 - with 430,104 offences recorded in last 12 months, figures show

A total of 430,104 offences were recorded in England and Wales over the year to December 2023, up 37% from 315,040 in the previous 12 months.

«طرق دبي» تُوسّع نطاق «حافلة تحت الطلب» إلى الخليج التجاري

وسّعت هيئة الطرق والمواصلات في دبي نطاق خدمة «حافلة تحت الطلب» إلى منطقة الخليج التجاري، بعد تشغيل تجريبي لهذه الخدمة More...

«طرق دبي» تُوسّع نطاق «حافلة تحت الطلب» إلى الخليج التجاري

وسّعت هيئة الطرق والمواصلات في دبي نطاق خدمة «حافلة تحت الطلب» إلى منطقة الخليج التجاري، بعد تشغيل تجريبي لهذه الخدمة More...

محمد بن راشد وملك البحرين يستعرضان سُبل تعزيز الشراكة الاستراتيجية بين البلدين

التقى صاحب السموّ الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي، رعاه الله، أمس، أخاه صاحب More...

محمد بن راشد وملك البحرين يستعرضان سُبل تعزيز الشراكة الاستراتيجية بين البلدين

التقى صاحب السموّ الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي، رعاه الله، أمس، أخاه صاحب More...

محمد بن راشد: بادروا لا تنتظروا.. بلادكم مليئة بالفرص ومستقبلكم مشرق

التقى صاحب السموّ الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي، رعاه الله، أكثر من 200 شاب More...

محمد بن راشد: بادروا لا تنتظروا.. بلادكم مليئة بالفرص ومستقبلكم مشرق

التقى صاحب السموّ الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي، رعاه الله، أكثر من 200 شاب More...

陶藝教室負責人偷拍如廁 2女童受害

社會新聞 - 自由時報

陶藝教室負責人偷拍如廁 2女童受害

〔記者陸運鋒/新北報導〕新北市一間陶藝教室范姓負責人,涉嫌偷拍授課的學童如廁,遭警方拘提送辦,范男矢口否認犯行,加上無明確偷拍事證,檢方複訊後諭知二萬元交保。不過警方鍥而不捨,進一步還原查扣的相機檔案,驚見至少有兩名女學童受害,前晚再度發動搜索,並將范男拘提到案,詢後移送偵辦。 據了解,在新北市永…

北市今年詐騙財損逾4億 投資詐欺最多

社會新聞 - 自由時報

北市今年詐騙財損逾4億 投資詐欺最多

〔記者甘孟霖/台北報導〕台北市議員陳政忠昨天質詢指出,今年一至三月,台北市詐騙案財損超過四億元,平均每月財損一.三億元,比去年同期高,警察局表示,近來詐欺樣態以投資詐欺為大宗,受害人數雖然不多,但金額比較高。 陳政忠昨在警政衛生部門質詢時指出,台北市長蔣萬安提到最有感施政是打詐,但攤開數據,北市詐…

拿上個月骨折賴這個月車禍 男提告求償碰壁

王姓男子去年開車與謝姓男子的車發生小擦撞,但謝男去年6月車禍,卻拿5月的骨折意外求償,還好台南地院刑庭法官法郭瓊徽仔細比對病例,對王男做出無罪判決。 王姓男子在去年6月間下...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

拿上個月骨折賴這個月車禍 男提告求償碰壁

王姓男子去年開車與謝姓男子的車發生小擦撞,但謝男去年6月車禍,卻拿5月的骨折意外求償,還好台南地院刑庭法官法郭瓊徽仔細比對病例,對王男做出無罪判決。 王姓男子在去年6月間下...…


薑是老的辣!納達爾(Rafael Nadal)在2024馬德里網賽旗開得勝,僅花64分鐘就以 6 :1、6 :0給年僅16歲的美國外卡新星布蘭克(Darwin Blanc...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報


薑是老的辣!納達爾(Rafael Nadal)在2024馬德里網賽旗開得勝,僅花64分鐘就以 6 :1、6 :0給年僅16歲的美國外卡新星布蘭克(Darwin Blanc...…

網球》高芙2個6 :0開胡 單場1局未失馬德里賽史第3人

美國第3種子高芙(Coco Gauff)勢如破竹,只花51分鐘就挾2個6:0橫掃荷蘭老將羅絲(Arantxa Rus),強勢晉級2024馬德里網賽女單32強,單場1局未失...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

網球》高芙2個6 :0開胡 單場1局未失馬德里賽史第3人

美國第3種子高芙(Coco Gauff)勢如破竹,只花51分鐘就挾2個6:0橫掃荷蘭老將羅絲(Arantxa Rus),強勢晉級2024馬德里網賽女單32強,單場1局未失...…

網球》球后史薇泰克強壓中國王曦雨 馬德里紅土旗開得勝

世界球后史薇泰克(Iga Swiatek)在2024馬德里網賽首輪免戰,女單次輪初登場,就以6:1、6:4輕取中國對手王曦雨,波蘭頭號種子開胡晉級32強,下個對手為羅馬尼...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

網球》球后史薇泰克強壓中國王曦雨 馬德里紅土旗開得勝

世界球后史薇泰克(Iga Swiatek)在2024馬德里網賽首輪免戰,女單次輪初登場,就以6:1、6:4輕取中國對手王曦雨,波蘭頭號種子開胡晉級32強,下個對手為羅馬尼...…

AI熱潮帶動需求 SK海力士:記憶體將全面復甦

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕南韓晶片大廠SK海力士(SK Hynix)表示,在AI(人工智慧)需求帶動下,今年1月到3月單季創下2010年以來最快的收入成長,預計記憶體市場將全面...…
財經新聞 - 自由時報

AI熱潮帶動需求 SK海力士:記憶體將全面復甦

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕南韓晶片大廠SK海力士(SK Hynix)表示,在AI(人工智慧)需求帶動下,今年1月到3月單季創下2010年以來最快的收入成長,預計記憶體市場將全面...…

金融時報:年齡歧視壟罩中國科技業 「35歲詛咒」斷飯碗

歐祥義/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕中國經濟復甦不如預期,失業人口眾多,中國企業選擇員工就更具優勢。《金融時報》報導,對年長員工的歧在中國的科技業尤其明顯,中國科技高層
財經新聞 - 自由時報

金融時報:年齡歧視壟罩中國科技業 「35歲詛咒」斷飯碗

歐祥義/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕中國經濟復甦不如預期,失業人口眾多,中國企業選擇員工就更具優勢。《金融時報》報導,對年長員工的歧在中國的科技業尤其明顯,中國科技高層也不諱言公開表示偏...…

台積電美國員工心聲 最大好處是這個

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕台積電(2330)持續在海外擴廠,但台灣的「賣肝文化」似乎無法完美複製到國外,1位匿名的前台積電美國廠員工控訴,台積電是地球上最糟糕的職場
財經新聞 - 自由時報

台積電美國員工心聲 最大好處是這個

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕台積電(2330)持續在海外擴廠,但台灣的「賣肝文化」似乎無法完美複製到國外,1位匿名的前台積電美國廠員工控訴,台積電是地球上最糟糕的職場環境,另1名...…

Oljefondet snur om utestengelsen av Dagens Næringsliv

Torsdag varslet oljefondet at Dagens Næringsliv (DN) ikke ville bli invitert til neste års investeringskonferanse. Nå beklager oljefondssjef Nicolai Tangen.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Oljefondet snur om utestengelsen av Dagens Næringsliv

Torsdag varslet oljefondet at Dagens Næringsliv (DN) ikke ville bli invitert til neste års investeringskonferanse. Nå beklager oljefondssjef Nicolai Tangen.

Frp-topp trekker seg etter handikapavsløring

Leif Willy Eriksen trekker seg som leder for Fremskrittspartiet (Frp) i Fredrikstad etter avsløringen om at han har parkert ulovlig med konas handikapbevis.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Frp-topp trekker seg etter handikapavsløring

Leif Willy Eriksen trekker seg som leder for Fremskrittspartiet (Frp) i Fredrikstad etter avsløringen om at han har parkert ulovlig med konas handikapbevis.

Alberta government wants power to remove municipal councillors, repeal bylaws it doesn't like

A new bill would give the Alberta government more power over municipalities including granting cabinet the power to remove councillors from office, and forcing councils to repeal bylaws it doesn’t like. 
CBC | Canada News

Alberta government wants power to remove municipal councillors, repeal bylaws it doesn't like

A new bill would give the Alberta government more power over municipalities including granting cabinet the power to remove councillors from office, and forcing councils to repeal bylaws it doesn’t like. 

Canadian who died in Cuba was mistakenly buried in Russia, family says

Faraj Allah Jarjour, a Canadian man who died in Cuba in March, was buried in a Russian town north of Moscow after Cuban government workers mistakenly switched two bodies before repatriating them to the wrong countries. 
CBC | Canada News

Canadian who died in Cuba was mistakenly buried in Russia, family says

Faraj Allah Jarjour, a Canadian man who died in Cuba in March, was buried in a Russian town north of Moscow after Cuban government workers mistakenly switched two bodies before repatriating them to the wrong countries. 

Corredor patrimonial de Las Enramadas: Un proyecto de gran impacto urbano

Espacio de ciudad vuelve al corredor patrimonial de las Enramadas en Santiago de Cuba. El próximo 28 de abril conmemoramos los 502 años del otorgamiento del título de ciudad a la urbe santiaguera y el 27 aniversario de fundación de la Oficina del Conserva

Corredor patrimonial de Las Enramadas: Un proyecto de gran impacto urbano

Espacio de ciudad vuelve al corredor patrimonial de las Enramadas en Santiago de Cuba. El próximo 28 de abril conmemoramos los 502 años del otorgamiento del título de ciudad a la urbe santiaguera y el 27 aniversario de fundación de la Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad de Santiago de Cuba. Esta semana les proponemos la segunda parte y final de un acercamiento a este hermoso paseo cultural y comercial de la ciudad héroe. The post Corredor patrimonial de Las Enramadas: Un proyecto de gran impacto urbano first appeared on Cubadebate.

Revela la FAO esfuerzos para digitalización rural en Cuba

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) reveló hoy el establecimiento de una alianza a fin de impulsar la digitalización de áreas rurales en Cuba. The post Revela la FAO esfuerzos para digitalización rural en C

Revela la FAO esfuerzos para digitalización rural en Cuba

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) reveló hoy el establecimiento de una alianza a fin de impulsar la digitalización de áreas rurales en Cuba. The post Revela la FAO esfuerzos para digitalización rural en Cuba first appeared on Cubadebate.

Queda sofocado incendio forestal en occidente de Cuba

Tras fuerte combate frente a las llamas, integrantes del Cuerpo de Guardabosques de Cuba en esta occidental provincia de Pinar del Río, sofocaron hoy el incendio de muy grandes proporciones en zonas montañosas de Viñales. El siniestro inició en horas de l

Queda sofocado incendio forestal en occidente de Cuba

Tras fuerte combate frente a las llamas, integrantes del Cuerpo de Guardabosques de Cuba en esta occidental provincia de Pinar del Río, sofocaron hoy el incendio de muy grandes proporciones en zonas montañosas de Viñales. El siniestro inició en horas de la tarde del pasado lunes por la zona conocida como Altos de Manaca. The post Queda sofocado incendio forestal en occidente de Cuba first appeared on Cubadebate.

Omar Collymore and alleged contract killer have case to answer in wife’s murder, court rules

Omar Collymore, who is on trial for allegedly orchestrating the murder of his wife, and co-accused Michael 'Crayboss' Adams, the man whom he allegedly contracted to carry out the hit, both have a case to answer in the murder of...

Omar Collymore and alleged contract killer have case to answer in wife’s murder, court rules

Omar Collymore, who is on trial for allegedly orchestrating the murder of his wife, and co-accused Michael 'Crayboss' Adams, the man whom he allegedly contracted to carry out the hit, both have a case to answer in the murder of...

Man fatally shot during attempted robbery of taxi in Clarendon

A man who attempted to rob a taxi driver and passengers in Clarendon last night was disarmed by the cabbie and fatally shot during a struggle. The deceased has been identified as 24-year-old labourer Bobby Bruce of Frazer Content in Spanish Town,...

Man fatally shot during attempted robbery of taxi in Clarendon

A man who attempted to rob a taxi driver and passengers in Clarendon last night was disarmed by the cabbie and fatally shot during a struggle. The deceased has been identified as 24-year-old labourer Bobby Bruce of Frazer Content in Spanish Town,...

14-y-o boy charged for stabbing death of Irwin High schoolmate

The police have charged the 14-year-old Irwin High School student for the fatal stabbing of his 15-year-old schoolmate Raniel Plummer during an altercation. His court date is being finalised. The police report that Plummer and a schoolmate had...

14-y-o boy charged for stabbing death of Irwin High schoolmate

The police have charged the 14-year-old Irwin High School student for the fatal stabbing of his 15-year-old schoolmate Raniel Plummer during an altercation. His court date is being finalised. The police report that Plummer and a schoolmate had...

ОССЕ описва в доклад руските престъпления

Задържаните са били подлагани на сексуално насилие, глад и жажда

ОССЕ описва в доклад руските престъпления

Задържаните са били подлагани на сексуално насилие, глад и жажда

Любимката на шеф Ангелов си тръгна от Hell's Kitchen

Брокерката Симона напусна надпреварата на крачка от черните куртки

Любимката на шеф Ангелов си тръгна от Hell's Kitchen

Брокерката Симона напусна надпреварата на крачка от черните куртки

War heroes found in 'Twiggy' Forrest PNG expedition to be honoured in special memorial

Families of four fallen Australian airmen will remember their lost loved ones at a special memorial west of Brisbane today, after billionaire Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest found their wreck south of Papua New Guinea.
Papua New Guinea

War heroes found in 'Twiggy' Forrest PNG expedition to be honoured in special memorial

Families of four fallen Australian airmen will remember their lost loved ones at a special memorial west of Brisbane today, after billionaire Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest found their wreck south of Papua New Guinea.

Nickolay told these PNG villagers their ancestors are kept in a Sydney university. They want them back

Nearly 1,500 Pacific ancestors are held in 13 museums and universities across Australia — but for the most part, the institutions are not repatriating remains and some believe there are cases that «might prove impossible».
Papua New Guinea

Nickolay told these PNG villagers their ancestors are kept in a Sydney university. They want them back

Nearly 1,500 Pacific ancestors are held in 13 museums and universities across Australia — but for the most part, the institutions are not repatriating remains and some believe there are cases that «might prove impossible».