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É sempre bom ver o Flamengo conquistar o título estadual porque quando ocorre tem-se a sensação de que o campeonato outrora charmoso ainda tem valor. As ruas do Rio de Janeiro ganham um toque de festa, as vielas das favelas ficam mais alegres,...Leia mais

Eradication of Manitoba's wild pigs 'just not realistic' expert warns, but new funding will help

A Canadian expert warns eradicating an ever-increasing population of wild pigs in Manitoba likely won't be possible, but new money from the provincial and federal governments will help in the fight to get the invasive species under control. - Canada - Public RSS

Eradication of Manitoba's wild pigs 'just not realistic' expert warns, but new funding will help

A Canadian expert warns eradicating an ever-increasing population of wild pigs in Manitoba likely won't be possible, but new money from the provincial and federal governments will help in the fight to get the invasive species under control.

What is changing about Canada's capital gains tax and how does it impact me?

The federal government's proposed change to capital gains taxation is expected to increase taxes on investments and mainly affect wealthy Canadians and businesses. Here's what you need to know about the move. - Canada - Public RSS

What is changing about Canada's capital gains tax and how does it impact me?

The federal government's proposed change to capital gains taxation is expected to increase taxes on investments and mainly affect wealthy Canadians and businesses. Here's what you need to know about the move.

Bank of Canada officials split on when to start cutting interest rates

Members of the Bank of Canada's governing council were split on how long the central bank should wait before it starts cutting interest rates when they met earlier this month. - Canada - Public RSS

Bank of Canada officials split on when to start cutting interest rates

Members of the Bank of Canada's governing council were split on how long the central bank should wait before it starts cutting interest rates when they met earlier this month.

Quebec nurse had to clean up after husband's death in Montreal hospital

On a night she should have been mourning, a nurse from Quebec's Laurentians region says she was forced to clean up her husband after he died at a hospital in Montreal. - Canada - Public RSS

Quebec nurse had to clean up after husband's death in Montreal hospital

On a night she should have been mourning, a nurse from Quebec's Laurentians region says she was forced to clean up her husband after he died at a hospital in Montreal.

«Зенит» потерпел поражение после замены Нуралы Алипа в важном матче

"Зенит", в составе которого выступает казахстанец Нуралы Алип, потерпел поражение в домашнем матче 21-го тура Российской премьер-лиги с к
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

«Зенит» потерпел поражение после замены Нуралы Алипа в важном матче

"Зенит", в составе которого выступает казахстанец Нуралы Алип, потерпел поражение в домашнем матче 21-го тура Российской премьер-лиги с казанским ФК "Рубин", сообщает корреспондент NUR.KZ.

Лжеоператоры сотовой связи убедили солигорчанку установить приложение и украли более Br5,8 тыс.

Злоумышленники убедили женщину установить приложение для удаленного доступа к ее смартфону. Предлогом стало якобы обновление программног
Беларусь - WWW.BELTA.BY

Лжеоператоры сотовой связи убедили солигорчанку установить приложение и украли более Br5,8 тыс.

Злоумышленники убедили женщину установить приложение для удаленного доступа к ее смартфону. Предлогом стало якобы обновление программного обеспечения. После солигорчанку отвлекали разговором, чтобы она не видела происходящего на экране смартфона, и при помощи интернет-банкинга обчистили ее карт-счет.

خالد بن محمد يشهد جانباً من فعاليات المسابقة الوطنية لمهارات الإمارات

شهد سموّ الشيخ خالد بن محمد بن زايد آل نهيان، ولي عهد أبوظبي رئيس المجلس التنفيذي لإمارة أبوظبي، جانباً من فعاليات More...

خالد بن محمد يشهد جانباً من فعاليات المسابقة الوطنية لمهارات الإمارات

شهد سموّ الشيخ خالد بن محمد بن زايد آل نهيان، ولي عهد أبوظبي رئيس المجلس التنفيذي لإمارة أبوظبي، جانباً من فعاليات More...

رئيس الدولة وملك البحرين يبحثان تعزيز العلاقات والتطوّرات الإقليمية

بحث صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد آل نهيان، رئيس الدولة، حفظه الله، مع أخيه صاحب الجلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة، More...

رئيس الدولة وملك البحرين يبحثان تعزيز العلاقات والتطوّرات الإقليمية

بحث صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد آل نهيان، رئيس الدولة، حفظه الله، مع أخيه صاحب الجلالة الملك حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة، More...

أبطال «الهدير».. قصص في التلاحم الإنساني

برزت خلال المنخفض الجوي الأخير «الهدير»، الذي تأثرت به الدولة، قصص بطولية لمواطنين ومقيمين من جنسيات دول عدة، تمثلت في More...

أبطال «الهدير».. قصص في التلاحم الإنساني

برزت خلال المنخفض الجوي الأخير «الهدير»، الذي تأثرت به الدولة، قصص بطولية لمواطنين ومقيمين من جنسيات دول عدة، تمثلت في More...

Comienza la XXIII Cumbre de ALBA-TCP: Nuevo capítulo en la integración Latinoamericana (+ Video)

Este miércoles comenzó en la ciudad de Caracas la XXIII Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los países que forman parte de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América - Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP), bloque integracio

Comienza la XXIII Cumbre de ALBA-TCP: Nuevo capítulo en la integración Latinoamericana (+ Video)

Este miércoles comenzó en la ciudad de Caracas la XXIII Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los países que forman parte de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América - Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP), bloque integracionista fundado en 2004 por los entonces presidentes de Cuba y Venezuela, Fidel Castro y Hugo Chávez. The post Comienza la XXIII Cumbre de ALBA-TCP: Nuevo capítulo en la integración Latinoamericana (+ Video) first appeared on Cubadebate.

Через три года в Латвии будет завод по производству мин? Министерство обороны оценивает возможности


Глава VARAM: правительство может рассмотреть законопроект о роспуске Резекненской думы уже на следующей неделе


大谷連2戰開轟 隊友:像巡弋飛彈

擊球初速達191KM 刷新隊史和生涯紀錄 〔記者龔乃玠/綜合報導〕道奇隊大谷翔平昨天扛出第6轟,本季第2次連續2戰開轟,率隊以4:1擊敗國民隊,而這發全壘打擊球初速高達118.7英里(約191公里
體育新聞 - 自由時報

大谷連2戰開轟 隊友:像巡弋飛彈

擊球初速達191KM 刷新隊史和生涯紀錄 〔記者龔乃玠/綜合報導〕道奇隊大谷翔平昨天扛出第6轟,本季第2次連續2戰開轟,率隊以4:1擊敗國民隊,而這發全壘打擊球初速高達118.7英里(約191公里),刷新隊史和生涯最速紀錄,道奇三壘手馬恩西直呼,這是他人生看過最速的擊球,「就像巡弋飛彈一樣!」…

全中運》台北田徑場起火 選手濃煙中競技

觀眾席著火 瀰漫塑膠味 〔記者林岳甫、甘孟霖/台北報導〕113年台北全中運今天即將閉幕,昨台北田徑場觀眾席卻電線走火,導致場內出現濃濃煙霧及塑膠臭味,所幸有兩人及時發覺異狀
體育新聞 - 自由時報

全中運》台北田徑場起火 選手濃煙中競技

觀眾席著火 瀰漫塑膠味 〔記者林岳甫、甘孟霖/台北報導〕113年台北全中運今天即將閉幕,昨台北田徑場觀眾席卻電線走火,導致場內出現濃濃煙霧及塑膠臭味,所幸有兩人及時發覺異狀才未釀成大禍,鄰近消防隊派出兩輛消防車前來查看狀況。 昨下午3 點20分左右,新北市教練柯兆…

全中運》射箭個人賽奪金 柯倫祐、風佑築無憾

等了5年 同窗一起圓夢 〔記者盧養宣/台北報導〕全中運射箭項目昨在南港高工畫下句點,新北市明德高中柯倫祐和風佑築在高男、高女組個人對抗賽雙雙摘金,等了5年終於進帳個人賽金牌
體育新聞 - 自由時報

全中運》射箭個人賽奪金 柯倫祐、風佑築無憾

等了5年 同窗一起圓夢 〔記者盧養宣/台北報導〕全中運射箭項目昨在南港高工畫下句點,新北市明德高中柯倫祐和風佑築在高男、高女組個人對抗賽雙雙摘金,等了5年終於進帳個人賽金牌。 昨全台受到鋒面影響陰雨不斷,風勢成為射箭場上最大變數,巴黎奧運培訓隊成員風佑築在金牌戰頂住花蓮體…

Vanuatu reaffirms commitment to vaccination initiatives on Immunisation Week

Vanuatu continues its commitment to immunisation efforts, with a history of vaccination initiatives aimed at preventing deadly diseases and preserving the well-being of its population, - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Vanuatu reaffirms commitment to vaccination initiatives on Immunisation Week

Vanuatu continues its commitment to immunisation efforts, with a history of vaccination initiatives aimed at preventing deadly diseases and preserving the well-being of its population,

Solar Tax Policy Disadvantageous

The new policy from the Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA) and utilities wanting to impose a tariff on rooftop solar (which has been called a “Solar Tax”), leaves us with more questions than answers at this stage and unfairly disadvantages citizens… - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Solar Tax Policy Disadvantageous

The new policy from the Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA) and utilities wanting to impose a tariff on rooftop solar (which has been called a “Solar Tax”), leaves us with more questions than answers at this stage and unfairly disadvantages citizens…

Vanuatu Police and Christian Council join forces for safer communities

The Vanuatu Christian Council (VCC) and the Office of the Commissioner of the Vanuatu Police Force (VPF), have recently signed a 5-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to establish a collaboration framework between them. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Vanuatu Police and Christian Council join forces for safer communities

The Vanuatu Christian Council (VCC) and the Office of the Commissioner of the Vanuatu Police Force (VPF), have recently signed a 5-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to establish a collaboration framework between them.

PM to open VT84M PENAMA VNPF Branch today

The Head of the Government, Prime Minister (PM) Charlot Salwai is expected to open the new Vanuatu National Provident Fund (VNPF) Branch for PENAMA Province at Saratamata on Ambae today. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

PM to open VT84M PENAMA VNPF Branch today

The Head of the Government, Prime Minister (PM) Charlot Salwai is expected to open the new Vanuatu National Provident Fund (VNPF) Branch for PENAMA Province at Saratamata on Ambae today.

Many Ni-Vanuatu are imprisoned in Australia: Koanapo

Minister of Internal Affairs, Johnny Koanapo, has revealed that many Ni-Vanuatu citizens are currently in prisons in Australia for a wide range of offences, varying from what he described as “very serious” crimes to minor offences. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Many Ni-Vanuatu are imprisoned in Australia: Koanapo

Minister of Internal Affairs, Johnny Koanapo, has revealed that many Ni-Vanuatu citizens are currently in prisons in Australia for a wide range of offences, varying from what he described as “very serious” crimes to minor offences.

طول عطلة صيف 2024 يمنح المسافرين أسعار تذاكر مقبولة

قال مسؤولو وكالات سياحة وسفر إن موسم الصيف للعام الجاري سيكون مختلفاً، نظراً لطول فترة العطلة التي تبدأ من إجازة عيد More...

طول عطلة صيف 2024 يمنح المسافرين أسعار تذاكر مقبولة

قال مسؤولو وكالات سياحة وسفر إن موسم الصيف للعام الجاري سيكون مختلفاً، نظراً لطول فترة العطلة التي تبدأ من إجازة عيد More...

«موانئ دبي» تضيف 3.7 ملايين حاوية إلى طاقتها الاستيعابية في 2023

كشفت وثيقة أن مجموعة موانئ دبي العالمية «دي بي ورلد»، أضافت 3.7 ملايين حاوية نمطية من الطاقة الاستيعابية الجديدة More...

«موانئ دبي» تضيف 3.7 ملايين حاوية إلى طاقتها الاستيعابية في 2023

كشفت وثيقة أن مجموعة موانئ دبي العالمية «دي بي ورلد»، أضافت 3.7 ملايين حاوية نمطية من الطاقة الاستيعابية الجديدة More...

김제서 ‘애완용 코브라 탈출’ 소문에…경찰 “관련 신고 없어”

전북 김제에서 애완용 코브라가 탈출했다는 글이 올라와 주민들이 불안해하고 있다. 24일 전북경찰청 등에 따르면 전날 한 중고거래 애플리케이션에 ‘코브라 뱀 찾아요’라는 제목의 글이 올라
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

김제서 ‘애완용 코브라 탈출’ 소문에…경찰 “관련 신고 없어”

전북 김제에서 애완용 코브라가 탈출했다는 글이 올라와 주민들이 불안해하고 있다. 24일 전북경찰청 등에 따르면 전날 한 중고거래 애플리케이션에 ‘코브라 뱀 찾아요’라는 제목의 글이 올라왔다. 작성자 A 씨는 “집에서 키우던 애완 코브라가 탈출했다”며 “몸길이는 약 80cm다. 온순한데 벽을 잘 타고 굉장히 빠르다. 보시는 분은 연락 달라”고 적었다. A 씨는 코브라를 손에 들고 있는 사진을 함께 게시했으며, 해당 코브라에게 독이 있는지는 확인되지 않았다. 게시글은 현재 삭제된 상태나 김제 지역 내 맘카페 등에 글이 퍼지며 주민들의 불안을 키웠다. 하지만 현재까지 경찰에 접수된 관련 신고는 없는 것으로 파악됐다. 전북경찰청은 이날 공지를 통해 “현재까지 전북경찰청과 전북소방본부를 통해 접수된 신고는 없다”며 “경찰에서는 관련 신고 접수 시 유관기관과 협업해 신속히 현장에 출동, 도민 안전 확보를 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다. 이어 “허위사실 유포로 불안감 조성 시 법적처벌을 받을 수

EU Embassy, Arab News honor makers of Saudi ‘Horizon’ documentary

RIYADH: The makers of a recently produced, highly acclaimed documentary on Saudi wildlife were honored at a special screening of the film “Horizon” at the residence of the EU ambassador in Riyadh. The new documentary, produced by the Konoz Initiative,
Saudi Arabia

EU Embassy, Arab News honor makers of Saudi ‘Horizon’ documentary

RIYADH: The makers of a recently produced, highly acclaimed documentary on Saudi wildlife were honored at a special screening of the film “Horizon” at the residence of the EU ambassador in Riyadh. The new documentary, produced by the Konoz Initiative, is part of a collaboration between the Saudi Ministry of Media’s Center for Government Communication and the National Center for Wildlife. It explores the ecological treasures and unique habitats of the Kingdom.

Saudi Arabia welcomes independent committee’s report on UNRWA’s performance

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has welcomed an independent committee’s report on the performance of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday. The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Kingdom backed th
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia welcomes independent committee’s report on UNRWA’s performance

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has welcomed an independent committee’s report on the performance of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday. The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Kingdom backed the report, which confirmed UNRWA’s main role in supporting the relief, humanitarian and developmental efforts of the Palestinian people.

Saudi embassy in Cairo receives Kingdom’s first female astronaut

Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Egypt Osama Nugali on Wednesday received Saudi astronaut Rayyanah Barnawi, who is currently visiting Egypt, at the embassy in Cairo. Nugali congratulated Barnawi, the first Saudi female astronaut, on her achievement which affi
Saudi Arabia

Saudi embassy in Cairo receives Kingdom’s first female astronaut

Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Egypt Osama Nugali on Wednesday received Saudi astronaut Rayyanah Barnawi, who is currently visiting Egypt, at the embassy in Cairo. Nugali congratulated Barnawi, the first Saudi female astronaut, on her achievement which affirmed the progress Saudi Arabia is witnessing in all fields, including the space sector and its technologies, in light of its ambitious Vision 2030. Barnawi, who is a scientist specializing in cancer stem-cell research, traveled into space as part of the Axiom Mission 2 to the International Space Station last year.

Who’s Who: Swaied Al-Zahrani, CEO of Saudi Credit Bureau

Swaied Al-Zahrani has been the CEO of the Saudi Credit Bureau, also known as SIMAH, since March 2018. As CEO, Al-Zahrani has guided SIMAH’s short and long-term strategies, ensuring a competitive landscape within the market. He led major restructuring t
Saudi Arabia

Who’s Who: Swaied Al-Zahrani, CEO of Saudi Credit Bureau

Swaied Al-Zahrani has been the CEO of the Saudi Credit Bureau, also known as SIMAH, since March 2018. As CEO, Al-Zahrani has guided SIMAH’s short and long-term strategies, ensuring a competitive landscape within the market. He led major restructuring to enable a future-proof operating model and enhance customer experience. He is focused on improving the governance, risk management, and data management framework and practices.

Eight years since its launch, Saudi Vision 2030 is already well ahead of schedule

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s transformation has involved many authors: The government, Saudi citizens, the private sector, and international partners. Their combined efforts have meant that by 2023 — the Vision 2030 midpoint — the plan was already ahead of sc
Saudi Arabia

Eight years since its launch, Saudi Vision 2030 is already well ahead of schedule

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s transformation has involved many authors: The government, Saudi citizens, the private sector, and international partners. Their combined efforts have meant that by 2023 — the Vision 2030 midpoint — the plan was already ahead of schedule. Eight years since its launch, the social reform and economic diversification blueprint’s promise is quickly being realized, with 87 percent of its 1,064 initiatives deemed completed or on track.

وجوه الدجاج تتلون بالأحمر إذا كانت عاطفية

توصّل فريق من الباحثين من المعهد الوطني الفرنسي للأبحاث المتعلقة بالزراعة والأغذية والبيئة (Inrae)، لاكتشاف طريقة لتقييم وضع الحيوانات وصحتها،
شبكة سودافاكس

وجوه الدجاج تتلون بالأحمر إذا كانت عاطفية

توصّل فريق من الباحثين من المعهد الوطني الفرنسي للأبحاث المتعلقة بالزراعة والأغذية والبيئة (Inrae)، لاكتشاف طريقة لتقييم وضع الحيوانات وصحتها، حيث تتحول وجوه الدجاج إلى اللون الأحمر في حال كانت مشاعرها عاطفية. وجوه الدجاج تتحوّل إلى الأحمر عندما ترى ديدان الطحين وأوضح المعهد الوطني الفرنسي للأبحاث المتعلقة بالزراعة والأغذية والبيئة، في بيان أصدره أمس (الثلاثاء)، … سودافاكس

رخيص الثمن وشائع الاستخدام.. الكشف عن اسم “عقار” يطيل العمر ويكافح الشيخوخة

توصل فريق من العلماء، إلى أن عقار “ميتفورمين”، الأكثر شيوعا لمرض السكري النوع الثاني وقيمته 20 سنتا، يمكن أن يكون المفتاح للعيش لفترة أطو
شبكة سودافاكس

رخيص الثمن وشائع الاستخدام.. الكشف عن اسم “عقار” يطيل العمر ويكافح الشيخوخة

توصل فريق من العلماء، إلى أن عقار “ميتفورمين”، الأكثر شيوعا لمرض السكري النوع الثاني وقيمته 20 سنتا، يمكن أن يكون المفتاح للعيش لفترة أطول. وقال فريق من علماء TAME، إن الدراسات أظهرت بالفعل أن “ميتفورمين” يمكن أن يؤخر الشيخوخة لدى الحيوانات. وقد يؤثر أيضا على عوامل الشيخوخة الأساسية التي تكمن وراء العديد من الحالات المرتبطة … سودافاكس