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Peter Burugu- Controversial billionaire businessman Peter Burugu is in the spotlight once again, this time over the fraudulent take-over of the Regis School situated in the upmarket Runda Estate. No stranger to controversy, Burugu had a long running battle wi

Charlotte, NC, police shooting: Three US Marshals are shot dead while serving warrant at home

A deputy U.S. marshal was shot and killed and several other law enforcement officers were wounded Monday as they tried to serve a fugitive warrant in North Carolina, federal authorities said.
News | Mail Online

Charlotte, NC, police shooting: Three US Marshals are shot dead while serving warrant at home

A deputy U.S. marshal was shot and killed and several other law enforcement officers were wounded Monday as they tried to serve a fugitive warrant in North Carolina, federal authorities said.

Rhod Gilbert shares cancer update as he admits he's 'pinching himself' over performing stand-up again two years after diagnosis and vows to 'take some power back from this wretched disease by laughing at it'

Rhod Gilbert is delighted to be back on stage performing stand-up comedy two years after he was diagnosed with cancer.

مهرجان أسماك البلطي في البرازيل

تُظهر هذه الصورة ملعقة معدنية عملاقة متصلة مع حفار لتحريك وجمع مرق البلطي، خلال مهرجان سمك البلطي الإقليمي في أرمازيم More...

مهرجان أسماك البلطي في البرازيل

تُظهر هذه الصورة ملعقة معدنية عملاقة متصلة مع حفار لتحريك وجمع مرق البلطي، خلال مهرجان سمك البلطي الإقليمي في أرمازيم More...

مؤرخ سويدي: بعد سقوط جدار برلين شهدنا أكبر انخفاض لمستوى الفقر في العالم

تحدث المؤرخ السويدي والبروفيسور يوهان نوربيرغ، (50 عاماً)، عن الرأسمالية، وقال في مقابلة مع صحيفة «إيل باييس» الإسبانية More...

مؤرخ سويدي: بعد سقوط جدار برلين شهدنا أكبر انخفاض لمستوى الفقر في العالم

تحدث المؤرخ السويدي والبروفيسور يوهان نوربيرغ، (50 عاماً)، عن الرأسمالية، وقال في مقابلة مع صحيفة «إيل باييس» الإسبانية More...

آثار تركيا تحت الأرض.. كنوز رائعة ظلت مخفية حتى وقت قريب

تركيا غنية بالعجائب القديمة، فقد كانت هذه البلاد، التي تمتد على جانبي أوروبا وآسيا، تقع في قلب العديد من الإمبراطوريات، More...

آثار تركيا تحت الأرض.. كنوز رائعة ظلت مخفية حتى وقت قريب

تركيا غنية بالعجائب القديمة، فقد كانت هذه البلاد، التي تمتد على جانبي أوروبا وآسيا، تقع في قلب العديد من الإمبراطوريات، More...

Tiga pegawai penguat kuasa undang-undang terbunuh di Carolina Utara

CHARLOTTE, Carolina Utara: Tiga pegawai penguat kuasa terbunuh manakala empat lagi cedera ditembak di Charlotte, Carolina Utara, dan seorang suspek ditemui mati, semalam.
BH Online - Terkini

Tiga pegawai penguat kuasa undang-undang terbunuh di Carolina Utara

CHARLOTTE, Carolina Utara: Tiga pegawai penguat kuasa terbunuh manakala empat lagi cedera ditembak di Charlotte, Carolina Utara, dan seorang suspek ditemui mati, semalam.

Sisa tekstil tak terkawal ancam tapak pelupusan sampah

JEMPOL: Tapak pelupusan sampah di seluruh negara bakal berdepan masalah kritikal sekiranya pembuangan sisa tekstil yang mengambil masa 200 tahun untuk terurai tidak ditangani secara efektif.
BH Online - Terkini

Sisa tekstil tak terkawal ancam tapak pelupusan sampah

JEMPOL: Tapak pelupusan sampah di seluruh negara bakal berdepan masalah kritikal sekiranya pembuangan sisa tekstil yang mengambil masa 200 tahun untuk terurai tidak ditangani secara efektif.

KPM giat laksana pelbagai inisiatif penting kukuhkan agenda reformasi pendidikan negara

KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) kini sedang melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif penting bagi mereformasikan pendidikan negara termasuk penstrukturan semula sistem prasekolah.
BH Online - Terkini

KPM giat laksana pelbagai inisiatif penting kukuhkan agenda reformasi pendidikan negara

KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Pendidikan (KPM) kini sedang melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif penting bagi mereformasikan pendidikan negara termasuk penstrukturan semula sistem prasekolah.

MLB》開季低迷的希克斯遭天使DFA 洋基這兩年要付他6億薪水

廖志軒/核稿編輯 天使隊今天做出人員異動,把開季打擊低迷的34歲老將希克斯(Aaron Hicks)指定讓渡(DFA),右投克里斯托伐克(Zac Kristofak)下放至...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》開季低迷的希克斯遭天使DFA 洋基這兩年要付他6億薪水

廖志軒/核稿編輯 天使隊今天做出人員異動,把開季打擊低迷的34歲老將希克斯(Aaron Hicks)指定讓渡(DFA),右投克里斯托伐克(Zac Kristofak)下放至...…

MLB》千賀滉大肩傷後首度Live BP 很開心球速有丟出來

廖志軒/核稿編輯 大都會日籍強投千賀滉大今年開季右肩關節囊拉傷,被放進60天傷病名單。千賀滉大今天在主場花旗球場做實戰投打練習(Live BP)面對小聯盟打者,共丟21球。...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》千賀滉大肩傷後首度Live BP 很開心球速有丟出來

廖志軒/核稿編輯 大都會日籍強投千賀滉大今年開季右肩關節囊拉傷,被放進60天傷病名單。千賀滉大今天在主場花旗球場做實戰投打練習(Live BP)面對小聯盟打者,共丟21球。...…

NBA》「斑馬」回家打球 馬刺、溜馬明年2場例行賽移師巴黎

廖志軒/核稿編輯 法國狀元「斑馬」溫班亞瑪(Victor Wembanyama)本季在聯盟掀起旋風,而順著這股熱潮,聯盟也計畫下個賽季在巴黎舉辦例行賽,對戰組合為溫班亞瑪效...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

NBA》「斑馬」回家打球 馬刺、溜馬明年2場例行賽移師巴黎

廖志軒/核稿編輯 法國狀元「斑馬」溫班亞瑪(Victor Wembanyama)本季在聯盟掀起旋風,而順著這股熱潮,聯盟也計畫下個賽季在巴黎舉辦例行賽,對戰組合為溫班亞瑪效...…

الحوثيون يعلنون استهداف سفينتين ومدمرتين أمريكيتين

قال المتحدث باسم جماعة الحوثي اليمنية يحيى سريع في كلمة في الساعات الأولى من صباح الثلاثاء، إن الجماعة استهدفت مدمرتين أمريكيتين المصدر:اليو
rss-أخبار عاجلة

الحوثيون يعلنون استهداف سفينتين ومدمرتين أمريكيتين

قال المتحدث باسم جماعة الحوثي اليمنية يحيى سريع في كلمة في الساعات الأولى من صباح الثلاثاء، إن الجماعة استهدفت مدمرتين أمريكيتين المصدر:اليوم السابعالحوثيون يعلنون استهداف سفينتين ومدمرتين أمريكيتين

وزارة الصحة: 860 مركزا لتقديم خدمات الرعاية الصحية لكبار السن بالمجان

أكدت وزارة الصحة والسكان، أن برنامج «الرعاية الصحية المستمرة لكبار السن» يأتي في إطار جهود الوزارة لتحسين جودة الحياة الصحية لكبار السن فوق ا
rss-أخبار عاجلة

وزارة الصحة: 860 مركزا لتقديم خدمات الرعاية الصحية لكبار السن بالمجان

أكدت وزارة الصحة والسكان، أن برنامج «الرعاية الصحية المستمرة لكبار السن» يأتي في إطار جهود الوزارة لتحسين جودة الحياة الصحية لكبار السن فوق الـ65 عامًا.. المصدر:اليوم السابعوزارة الصحة: 860 مركزا لتقديم خدمات الرعاية الصحية لكبار السن بالمجان

우즈벡에 패배한 신태용 “아직 기회 남아있어…올림픽 출전하겠다”

신태용 인도네시아 축구대표팀 감독이 2024 아시아축구연맹(AFC) 23세 이하(U23) 아시안컵 준결승에서 패했지만 올림픽 출전에 대한 희망을 놓지 않았다. 신태용 감독이 이끄는 인도네시아는 29일(한
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

우즈벡에 패배한 신태용 “아직 기회 남아있어…올림픽 출전하겠다”

신태용 인도네시아 축구대표팀 감독이 2024 아시아축구연맹(AFC) 23세 이하(U23) 아시안컵 준결승에서 패했지만 올림픽 출전에 대한 희망을 놓지 않았다. 신태용 감독이 이끄는 인도네시아는 29일(한국시간) 카타르 도하의 압둘라 빈 칼리파 스타디움에서 열린 우즈베키스탄과의 2024 아시아축구연맹(AFC) 23세 이하(U23) 아시안컵 준결승에서 0-2로 졌다. 이로써 인도네시아의 돌풍은 잠시 멈췄다. 사상 최초로 U23 아시안컵 본선에 오른 인도네시아는 조별리그에서 호주, 요르단을 꺾고 8강에 진출했고 승부차기 끝에 한국을 제압하며 준결승까지 올랐다. 내친걸음 우즈베키스탄도 잡고 결승행을 꿈꿨으나 무산됐다. 경기 후 신태용 감독은 “좋은 경기를 했다. 아쉽지만 우즈베키스탄이 더 좋은 경기를 펼쳐 승리했다”고 패배를 인정한 뒤 “선수들이 전체적으로 긴장을 많이 해서 할 수 있는 플레이를 펼치지 못했다. 그 부분이 가장 아쉽다”고 밝혔다. 하지만 아직 인도네시아의 도전은 끝나지 않았다. 이번

First-ever Seychelles Coral Festival draws attention to importance of protection

The first-ever Seychelles Coral Festival was held recently by the Seychelles Parks and Garden Authority (SPGA) to share information about corals and the different projects undertaken to protect them. Shazelle Julie, assistant park officer for the SPGA, tol
Seychelles News Agency

First-ever Seychelles Coral Festival draws attention to importance of protection

The first-ever Seychelles Coral Festival was held recently by the Seychelles Parks and Garden Authority (SPGA) to share information about corals and the different projects undertaken to protect them. Shazelle Julie, assistant park officer for the SPGA, told SNA that the event was organised in collaboration with Absa Bank Seychelles, which will be adopting the Port Launay Marine Park. In addition, Absa Bank Seychelles wanted to promote the importance of coral through this festival. «Corals are one of the biggest economic drives we have in Seychelles. Without them, we wouldn't have fish and we wouldn't have tourists. Many of us would be jobless. They also play an important part in the absorption of CO₂ (carbon dioxide),» she said. The Aquaculture Department had a live display aquarium and several non-governmental organisations such as the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles (MCSS), the Seychelles Islands Foundation and Nature Seychelles were present for the festival. The NGOs were giving information on projects they are implementing and how the public can participate in conservation. Representatives from the Seychelles Investment Board (SIB) were also on the lookout for potential investors and shared information on possible investments in the Blue Economy in the country.   The Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) participated and advertised the Blue Grants Fund 8. The grant was launched recently and is still open for application from entrepreneurs and investors. Most of the organisations had on display facts linked to conservation and corals. (Seychelles News Agency) Photo License: CC-BY The Grants and Fundraising officer for SeyCAAT, Diana Renaud, told SNA this festival is the ideal place to promote the Blue Grants Fund 8. «This is good for businesses who may have a product that doesn't harm corals or maybe a feasibility study is needed, they may apply under the criteria set for the fund, among which is that the project should aim to reduce risk and build resilience to climate change,» said Renaud. The request for proposals was opened on April 15 and will close on May 27. Most of the stalls had interactive activities for people to participate and use facts linked to conservation and corals. Alisha Belle, who took part, said that this festival is very important for promoting more awareness about corals and the crucial role they play in our environment. «There's a lot of coral bleaching happening at the moment and this festival gets people thinking about these issues,» she said. A student from the School of Advanced Level Studies (SAL), Lishad Morgan, said, «What I found interesting is the information about how most people do not think about corals and how their actions may impact them. Such as people who are out on excursions, dropping their anchors without care, or even divers not being careful with their fins near the coral reefs. This started with previous generations but we have to protect what is left for our future generations.» The event also hosted several professionals in the scientific community in Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean. They held panel discussions about the importance of corals, and anyone could sit and listen.  

Former UAE President's palace in Seychelles earmarked for luxury hotel

Developers presented a five-star luxury resort project to be made at the palace of former UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who passed away in 2022, to members of the public at the Grand Anse Mahe district administration's office o
Seychelles News Agency

Former UAE President's palace in Seychelles earmarked for luxury hotel

Developers presented a five-star luxury resort project to be made at the palace of former UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who passed away in 2022, to members of the public at the Grand Anse Mahe district administration's office on Saturday. It was revealed in the meeting that the owners of the building at La Misere plan to convert it into a 54-room luxury resort that would also include six villas, and construction is expected to be completed in August 2026. This initial meeting with residents and other concerned citizens is part of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) carried out before any such projects are undertaken. ECO-SOL is the local company carrying out the EIA for this project and through the various presentations, it revealed that the Seychelles Investment Board (SIB) granted the developers approval to proceed with the EIA in 2023. Those attending the meeting were also informed that in order to build the new establishment, certain parts of the palace will be demolished, while others will be elevated to the same height as the tallest building of the palace. One of the establishment's features will be a swimming pool on the roof. During the meeting, one of the attendees, Nelson Renaud, expressed his concerns at the fact that SIB had granted permission to proceed to the next step of carrying out an EIA. «You were given a plot of land to stay there, live there and not build a hotel,» he said. Sheikh Khalifa bought the former United States' satellite tracking station land for $395,000 in 2005. Renaud said SIB should not have given this plot of land to do that and expressed his concern that «SIB is asking all Seychellois to develop their plot of land in a sustainable manner» causing him to ask the developers whether the project was one that would be sustainable. Other issues raised by people who attended were water pollution, the endangerment of endemic species in the area such as the Seychelles white-eye (Zwazo linet) bird, and noise and vibration disturbances. The developer's legal counsel, Basil Siddiqui, asked that the project be looked at with an open mind. «Do not be overly cynical. Look at the conduct of the project's particular owner. This particular project owner has actively taken part for two decades in the development of infrastructure and other amenities in this country,» he added. Meanwhile, once the EIA is completed, interested parties will have a fortnight to view the document.

Kenya's Ruto seeks boost to World Bank fund for developing nations

Kenyan President William Ruto called on richer countries Monday to boost contributions to a World Bank fund to help African development and the fight against climate change. His comments came at a summit of African leaders and the World Bank in the Kenyan ca
Seychelles News Agency

Kenya's Ruto seeks boost to World Bank fund for developing nations

Kenyan President William Ruto called on richer countries Monday to boost contributions to a World Bank fund to help African development and the fight against climate change. His comments came at a summit of African leaders and the World Bank in the Kenyan capital Nairobi to discuss building financial support for the continent of 1.2 billion people. Ruto urged donors to the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) to raise their contributions to at least $120 billion in 2024, from $93 billion raised in 2021. «As many African and other developing nations face severe debt crises, this financial strain hampers our efforts to combat climate change, transition to a low-carbon economy, and adequately fund essential sectors like education, health, and social protection,» he said. The leaders were discussing how the IDA could help improve services such as energy and health care across Africa. «The rising cost of living, increasing commodity prices, and supply chain disruptions severely impact our food security, healthcare systems, and overall preparedness for and response to crises,» Ruto said. The summit comes as Kenya and other East African countries are battling heavy rains and flooding that have claimed the lives of scores of people in recent weeks. Africa is responsible for the smallest amount of carbon emissions but is hit disproportionately hard by droughts, flooding, storms and heatwaves. Donors to the IDA fund meet every three years to «to replenish IDA's resources and review its policy framework,» the World Bank says on its website. The IDA helps developing nations in Africa and other parts of the world through grants and loans with low interest rates. World Bank president Ajay Banga told the meeting there was a need to act «with urgency» and said that the IDA, the World Bank, governments and the private sector should do more. «We are working to make IDA more efficient and able to deliver faster by cutting burdensome rules, requirements, and redundancies,» he added. © Agence France-Presse

Forty-day ceasefire offered to Hamas: UK foreign secretary

Hamas has been offered a 40-day ceasefire and the release of «potentially thousands» of Palestinian prisoners in return for freeing Israeli hostages, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Monday. The Palestinian militant group has been giv
Seychelles News Agency

Forty-day ceasefire offered to Hamas: UK foreign secretary

Hamas has been offered a 40-day ceasefire and the release of «potentially thousands» of Palestinian prisoners in return for freeing Israeli hostages, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Monday. The Palestinian militant group has been given «a very generous offer of sustained 40 days ceasefire, the release of potentially thousands of Palestinian prisoners, in return for the release of these hostages», Cameron told a World Economic Forum meeting in Riyadh. A Hamas delegation is due in Egypt on Monday, where it is expected to respond to the latest proposal for a truce in Gaza and a release of hostages after almost seven months of war. «I hope Hamas do take this deal and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the eyes of the world should be on them today saying take that deal,» Cameron said, adding the proposal would lead to a «stop in the fighting that we all want to see so badly». Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been trying to mediate an agreement between Israel and Hamas for months, but a flurry of diplomacy in recent days appeared to suggest a new push towards halting hostilities. The UK foreign minister said that for a «political horizon for a two-state solution», with an independent Palestine co-existing with Israel, the «people responsible for October 7, the Hamas leadership, would have to leave Gaza and you've got to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza». «You've got to see a political future for the Palestinian people, but you've also crucially got to see security for Israel and those two things have to go together,» he added. © Agence France-Presse

Les ados bientôt jugés comme les adultes ? L'excuse de minorité peut-elle être supprimée ?

Les récents faits divers, dont le meurtre du jeune Matisse, ont ravivé le débat autour de l'excuse de minorité. De quoi s'agit-il ? Peut-elle être supprimée ?
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Les ados bientôt jugés comme les adultes ? L'excuse de minorité peut-elle être supprimée ?

Les récents faits divers, dont le meurtre du jeune Matisse, ont ravivé le débat autour de l'excuse de minorité. De quoi s'agit-il ? Peut-elle être supprimée ?

UGC-NET exam postponed to June 18

The UGC-NET exam has been rescheduled to take place on June 18 instead of the previously planned date of June 16, as notified by the National Testing Agency. The decision to postpone the exam was made in response to concerns raised by aspirants regarding the
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

UGC-NET exam postponed to June 18

The UGC-NET exam has been rescheduled to take place on June 18 instead of the previously planned date of June 16, as notified by the National Testing Agency. The decision to postpone the exam was made in response to concerns raised by aspirants regarding the clash of dates between the UPSC Prelims and NET exams.

47 new fires raze 78 hectares forest land across state

Uttarakhand continued to deal with the persistent forest fire problem on Monday. The state reported 47 new incidents, burning approximately 78 hectares of forest land. The majority of these fires affected the Kumaon region, with 30 incidents destroying an are
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

47 new fires raze 78 hectares forest land across state

Uttarakhand continued to deal with the persistent forest fire problem on Monday. The state reported 47 new incidents, burning approximately 78 hectares of forest land. The majority of these fires affected the Kumaon region, with 30 incidents destroying an area of 51 hectares. Garhwal also recorded 16 incidents, impacting 25 hectares, with one incident burning 1.5 hectares of protected forests.

India fumes at Trudeau taking part in pro-Khalistan event

The Ministry of External Affairs summoned the Canadian Deputy High Commissioner on Monday and expressed strong opposition to the open chanting of separatist pro-Khalistan slogans at an event where Canadian PM Justin Trudeau was speaking. Trudeau spoke at a 'K
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

India fumes at Trudeau taking part in pro-Khalistan event

The Ministry of External Affairs summoned the Canadian Deputy High Commissioner on Monday and expressed strong opposition to the open chanting of separatist pro-Khalistan slogans at an event where Canadian PM Justin Trudeau was speaking. Trudeau spoke at a 'Khalsa Day' event in Toronto where banners saying 'Modi wanted' were displayed, causing concern among Indian intelligence officials, according to sources.

US report names RAW man involved in alleged plot to take out Pannun

A report in the Washington Post, a newspaper based in the United States, has alleged that Vikram Yadav, an officer from the Research and Analysis Wing, directed a hired hit team to assassinate Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a Khalistani separatist based in the US.
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

US report names RAW man involved in alleged plot to take out Pannun

A report in the Washington Post, a newspaper based in the United States, has alleged that Vikram Yadav, an officer from the Research and Analysis Wing, directed a hired hit team to assassinate Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a Khalistani separatist based in the US. Last year, authorities in the United States indicted Nikhil Gupta, an Indian national, for the conspiracy.

Disparition inquiétante d'un jeune trentenaire sur Tahiti

Une enquête est en cours pour disparition inquiétante, confiée aux services de gendarmerie. Steven Maran, 32 ans, n'a plus donné signe de vie depuis le 14 avril. Sa voiture n'a plus bougé depuis.

Disparition inquiétante d'un jeune trentenaire sur Tahiti

Une enquête est en cours pour disparition inquiétante, confiée aux services de gendarmerie. Steven Maran, 32 ans, n'a plus donné signe de vie depuis le 14 avril. Sa voiture n'a plus bougé depuis.

French cops drag pro-Palestinian protesters from their tents and dismantle their camp in operation lasting 'a few minutes' at Paris's Sorbonne University

Video captured the moment police dragged protestors away from a courtyard in the university, which was founded in 1257.
News | Mail Online

French cops drag pro-Palestinian protesters from their tents and dismantle their camp in operation lasting 'a few minutes' at Paris's Sorbonne University

Video captured the moment police dragged protestors away from a courtyard in the university, which was founded in 1257.

Francis Ngannou's 15-month-old son Kobe dies just weeks after his Saudi megafight with Anthony Joshua... as UFC champion-turned boxer shares heartbreaking post on social media

Cameroon outlet first reported the devastating news and the former UFC champion-turned boxer (left) confirmed this with a heartbreaking social media post (top inset).
News | Mail Online

Francis Ngannou's 15-month-old son Kobe dies just weeks after his Saudi megafight with Anthony Joshua... as UFC champion-turned boxer shares heartbreaking post on social media

Cameroon outlet first reported the devastating news and the former UFC champion-turned boxer (left) confirmed this with a heartbreaking social media post (top inset).

台中男大生伸「鹹豬手」摸女同學 瞎扯癲癇右手不受控

社會新聞 - 自由時報

台中男大生伸「鹹豬手」摸女同學 瞎扯癲癇右手不受控


模範醫師偷吃護理師 妻子指控亂來還被要求驗梅毒

社會新聞 - 自由時報

模範醫師偷吃護理師 妻子指控亂來還被要求驗梅毒


British Army reveals condition of injured horses after London rampage

Two animals involved in a bloody stampede through London are recuperating after surgery, military officials have said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

British Army reveals condition of injured horses after London rampage

Two animals involved in a bloody stampede through London are recuperating after surgery, military officials have said Read Full Article at

European country tells people not to wear symbol of WWII victory over Nazis

Moldova’s police chief has warned citizens against wearing the St. George’s ribbon, a popular symbol to commemorate WWII in Russia Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

European country tells people not to wear symbol of WWII victory over Nazis

Moldova’s police chief has warned citizens against wearing the St. George’s ribbon, a popular symbol to commemorate WWII in Russia Read Full Article at

Tucker Carlson interviews conservative Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

US journalist Tucker Carlson has published a conversation with Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Tucker Carlson interviews conservative Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

US journalist Tucker Carlson has published a conversation with Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin Read Full Article at

China vows retaliation over US ‘bullying’

The Chinese Foreign Ministry says the newly passed US aid for Taiwan and possible TikTok ban will lead to “forceful” retaliatory steps Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

China vows retaliation over US ‘bullying’

The Chinese Foreign Ministry says the newly passed US aid for Taiwan and possible TikTok ban will lead to “forceful” retaliatory steps Read Full Article at

С мая меняется время работы некоторых магазинов сети Rimi

С 1 мая меняется время работы некоторых магазинов Rimi. Изменения коснутся времени работы трех магазинов сети в Вильнюсе, Лентварисе и Друскини
Бизнес - DELFI.LT

С мая меняется время работы некоторых магазинов сети Rimi

С 1 мая меняется время работы некоторых магазинов Rimi. Изменения коснутся времени работы трех магазинов сети в Вильнюсе, Лентварисе и Друскининкай. По словам пресс-секретаря Rimi Lietuva Эгле Красаускене, такие изменения обычно происходят в летний период, магазины начинают работать дольше.

Прошлогодний доход «Литовских железных дорог» вырос на 4 процента

Как сообщает кампания Lietuvos geležinkeliai (Литовские железные дороги – ЛЖД), по итогам 2023 г., общий доход группы вырос на 4 проц., чистая прибыль соста
Бизнес - DELFI.LT

Прошлогодний доход «Литовских железных дорог» вырос на 4 процента

Как сообщает кампания Lietuvos geležinkeliai (Литовские железные дороги – ЛЖД), по итогам 2023 г., общий доход группы вырос на 4 проц., чистая прибыль составила 21,6 млн евро, что почти в 22 раза больше, чем в 2022 г.